Landscape Performance News

LPS Watch List: August 2015

Each month we bring you a roundup of landscape performance news worth sharing – the latest in research, tools, and innovative thinking related to the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable landscapes. Several of this month’s articles highlight that the relationship between landscape elements and benefits is often more complex and nuanced than we think.

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A Digital Data Library for Wildlife Infrastructure

by Amanda Kronk, SWA Group

Wildlife infrastructure exists as a framework of migration courses and habitation patterns that are inextricably linked to critical human infrastructure. At any given time, there are countless “rivers of wildlife” migrating locally and regionally above and within the world we know. In conjunction with increasingly fragile climatic conditions, urban development is drastically disrupting this framework. Wildlife is essentially pushed to the urban periphery, as increasing habitat fragmentation results in detrimental conditions for species migration.

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LPS Watch List: July 2015

Each month we bring you a roundup of landscape performance news worth sharing – the latest in research, tools, and innovative thinking related to the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable landscapes.

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Technology for Social, Sustainable and Smart Cities

by Ed Krafcik and Isabel Munson, Soofa

If cities are to reflect the culture of the present day while also inspiring the future, then by and large, cities across America are lagging. All generations, not just the millennials and Gen Z, are growing more connected. Why, then, do our cities not yet reflect the same type of digital connectivity and embrace of technology and data that our culture does?

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LPS Watch List: May 2015

Each month we bring you a roundup of landscape performance news worth sharing – the latest in research, tools, and innovative thinking related to the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable landscapes.

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LPS Watch List: April 2015

Each month we bring you a roundup of landscape performance news worth sharing – the latest in research, tools, and innovative thinking related to the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable landscapes.

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New Guide to Evaluate Complete Streets Projects

Complete Streets – streets designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders – make communities more livable, multimodal, and safe. They have also been related to broader economic gains. A new guide recently published by Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition, with support from AARP, provides guidance on how to measure Complete Street project performance to demonstrate successes and better understand what’s working and what’s not.

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LPS Watch List: March 2015

Each month we bring you a roundup of landscape performance news worth sharing – the latest in research, tools, and innovative thinking related to the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable landscapes.

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Landscape Performance Special Journal Issue

A new special issue of the Chinese journal Landscape Architecture is devoted to landscape performance. The issue features research about the Landscape Performance Series and research gleaned from the process of producing Case Study Briefs for the series. It’s very exciting to see the concept landscape performance gaining traction internationally! Abstracts (in English and Chinese) are available in the online version. 4/6/15 UPDATE: We have obtained and posted digital copies of the full articles.

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