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Resource Conserving Landscaping Cost Calculator

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This Microsoft Excel-based calculator compares the cost of converting conventional landscapes to landscapes that require less irrigation and produce less waste. Inputs include: configuration of the current landscape (proportion that is comprised of flowers, turf, shrubs, and ground cover), configuration of landscape retrofit, length of growing season, and area of watering zones based on frequency of irrigation. The calculator estimates the initial, 3-year, 6-year, 10-year, and average annual costs for the original landscape and water-saving retrofit. Costs include water use, maintenance, and waste disposal. Users have the option to input their own cost information.


Water conservation, Operations & maintenance savings, Construction cost savings, Native plants

The LPS Benefits Toolkit is a compilation of online calculators and tools that can be used to estimate landscape performance. The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) compiles and writes descriptions of the tools in the Benefits Toolkit. LAF has no involvement in the development, review, or maintenance of the tools. If you have questions or comments on the Toolkit itself, contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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