Benefits Toolkit



California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic Society

iNaturalist is a worldwide online network of biodiversity information that provides access to millions of citizen science observations of plant and animal biodiversity. It functions as a crowdsourced species identification system and organism recurrence recording tool to help understand the presence and prevalence of…


Populations & species richness, Biodiversity, Resilience, Restoration

This open-source tool allows users to conduct a Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) measuring a site’s habitat condition or a specified natural plant community’s condition on a site. A user specifies a region within the United States and enters basic information about a specific site such as date, location, and weather…


Habitat quality, Native plants, Biodiversity, Restoration

InVEST is a suite of software models used to map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life. It aims to provide a consistent methodology for measuring and comparing the value of multiple ecosystem services underdifferent ecological conditions. The toolset currently includes sixteen…


Soil creation, preservation & restoration, Water quality, Populations & species richness, Carbon sequestration & avoidance, Food production, Resilience

man birding


Cornell Lab of Ornithology

eBird is a database of citizen science bird observations that allows for tracking of bird species distribution and abundance worldwide. The online database is freely accessible and made possible by millions of bird observers across the world uploading information from field observations. The only required input is…


Populations & species richness, Biodiversity

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