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Water Harvesting Calculator

Water Harvesting Solutions (Wahaso)

This tool estimates the volume of water required for toilet flushing in a building and compares it to the amount of water that a rainwater harvesting system could capture from roofs and parking lots. Inputs include: information on building occupancy, average rainfall, and roof and parking lot catchment areas. Results are estimates of toilet flushing water requirements, volume of rainwater available, percent of toilet flushing need that could be met, and volume of any additional rainwater available for irrigation or other uses.


Water conservation, Rainwater harvesting

The LPS Benefits Toolkit is a compilation of online calculators and tools that can be used to estimate landscape performance. The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) compiles and writes descriptions of the tools in the Benefits Toolkit. LAF has no involvement in the development, review, or maintenance of the tools. If you have questions or comments on the Toolkit itself, contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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