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Colorado State University and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This tool estimates carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for farms and ranches. Users input current farm or ranch management practices, and the tool uses information on climate and soil conditions from USDA databases to run a series of models for potential sources of GHG emissions and climate change impacts. It then suggests alternative future management practices for sequestering more atmospheric carbon or reducing GHG emissions. Required inputs describe field and livestock management practices and include cropping sequence and approximate planting and harvest date, type of tillage system, irrigation method and application rate, residue management, and livestock herd size and composition. The Energy Module allows users to calculate reductions in GHG emissions based on anticipated fuel savings.


Carbon sequestration & avoidance

The LPS Benefits Toolkit is a compilation of online calculators and tools that can be used to estimate landscape performance. The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) compiles and writes descriptions of the tools in the Benefits Toolkit. LAF has no involvement in the development, review, or maintenance of the tools. If you have questions or comments on the Toolkit itself, contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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